About Us
CJ has years of experience in the manufacturing and logistical service of military electronics and communication equipment. Incorporated in 1998, the company was active in the manufacture and supply of military vehicle intercom systems. Starting in 2000, the company put forth a tactical audio product line. Today CJ has complete product lines of handsets, headsets, microphones and speakers. With a keen focus to enhance the radio systems used by current, as well as future customers, CJ continually develops new audio accessories to augment today’s radio communication technologies.
CJ maintains production facilities just outside of Ft. Wayne, Indiana, while having offices on Long Island, which is just east of New York City. We maintain co-operation agreements with our tool & die /injection molding partners in Ft. Wayne. Most of the support or sub-contract facilities used by CJ are located within driving distance of our production facility or offices. This gives us the ability to take care of our own tooling for the components we manufacture. We also maintain extensive inventories on the systems we support. All of this enables us to perform at a high level of productivity and on-time performance.
CJ supports the standard range of tactical audio components. Our specialty, however, comes in the form of engineering our product line to meet your specification needs for your radio system. Products are upgraded, new technologies are added and new products are developed. Examples of this are the modification of our existing military handsets for use on a Bombardier Train intercom, re-designed handsets and headsets utilizing dual button PTT operation for today’s multi-frequency applications and Speaker-Microphones modified for JTRS.
CJ has a state-of-the-art modern production facility for our audio products. The microphone and earphone elements as well as the PTT switch assemblies are completely manufactured in-house. Latest audio end electrical test equipment are used and each product on average is tested up to four times during assembly. Services not done in-house, such as tool & die and injection molding, are performed locally with partners. All this gives us the ability to control the quality standards we strive for and the on-time delivery the customer demands.
Quality Standard
CJ is a registered ISO 9001: 2015 quality firm. ISO Certificate Number 8574QMS001
CJ is proud to attest to the fact that during the periods of performance on these contracts a superb record of on-time delivery was made while maintaining a high level of quality. CJ’s current annual percentage rating is 99.4 % on-time delivery and 99.4 % quality.